
pythonbase provides a skeleton for creating Python projects, complete with Sphinx docs, PyPI integration, etc.

Basic setup

  1. Copy the directory structure and files of Pythonbase to your project.
  2. Make changes to all these files as necessary (e.g., by grep’ing for “pythonbase” and replacing with your project and also grep’ing for “Anubhav Jain” and replacing with your name).
  3. Run python develop in your new project to install it on your system
  4. Run python release to release your project to PyPI. Congratulations, your project can now be installed!

(The last step probably requires PyPI registration; fill in details once I get a good test case for a new user).

Docs setup

  1. Note that the docs are in the “docs” subfolder in rst format to be built by Sphinx.
  2. Import the project into; hopefully, the docs should be auto-detected.

CircleCI setup

  1. Log into CircleCI, and build your project.

The Pythonbase docs are located as here